「貨幣銀行學」、「中國大陸經濟」與「Taiwan’s Economic Success Since 1980」專書及中英文學術期刊論文150餘篇。
- 中國大陸經濟面對國際化及區域整合的一些問題(3/3)(2018/8/1~2019/7/31)
- 中國大陸經濟面對國際化及區域整合的一些問題(2/3)(2017/8/1~2018/7/31)
- 中國大陸經濟面對國際化及區域整合的一些問題(1/3)(2016/8/1~2017/7/31)
- 中國大陸公營企業民營化的經濟分析(3/3)(2015/8/1~2016/7/31)
- 中國大陸公營企業民營化的經濟分析(2/3)(2014/8/1~2015/7/31)
- 中國大陸公營企業民營化的經濟分析(1/3)(2013/8/1~2014/7/31)
- 全球化趨勢對兩岸經濟與區域發展之影響─ 總計劃暨子計畫三:
兩岸三通對台灣觀光旅遊業及總體經濟之研究(2/2)(2013/8/1~2014/7/31) - 中國大陸對外出口貿易與向外直接投資的空間計量分析(3/3)(2012/8/1~2013/7/31)
- 全球化趨勢對兩岸經濟與區域發展之影響─ 總計劃暨子計畫三:
兩岸三通對台灣觀光旅遊業及總體經濟之研究(1/2)(2012/8/1~2013/7/31) - 中國大陸對外出口貿易與向外直接投資的空間計量分析(2/3)(2011/8/1~2012/7/31)
- 中國大陸對外出口貿易與向外直接投資的空間計量分析(1/3)(2010/8/1~2011/7/31)
- 公、民營廠商混合式寡占競爭下的民營化政策與內外資租稅競爭(3/3)(2009/8/1~2010/7/31)
- 公、民營廠商混合式寡占競爭下的民營化政策與內外資租稅競爭(2/3)(2008/8/1~2009/7/31)
- 公、民營廠商混合式寡占競爭下的民營化政策與內外資租稅競爭(1/3)(2007/8/1~2008/7/31)
- 共生生產與策略性貿易政策(2006/8/1~2007/7/31)
- 東亞區域經濟整合的研究(2005/8/1~2006/7/31)
- 出口補貼,成本差異與產品品質(2004/8/1~2005/7/31)
- 在需求不確定情況下的環境規範與廠商的最適區位(2003/8/1~2004/7/31)
- 國際代工與貿易政策(2002/8/1~2003/7/31)
- 空間訂價、最適廠址與福利(3/3)(2001/8/1~2002/7/31)
- 空間訂價、最適廠址與福利(1/3) &空間訂價、最適廠址與福利(2/3)(2000/8/1~2001/7/31)
- 聚集經濟與產業區位(三)(1999/8/1~2000/7/31)
- 聚集經濟與產業區位(二)(1998/8/1~1999/7/31)
- 聚集經濟與產業區位(一)(1997/8/1~1997/7/31)
- 勞動通勤成本與中間區位排斥定理(1996/8/1~1997/7/31)
- 各種空間訂價下最適關稅政策之比較(1995/8/1~1996/7/31)
- 各種空間定價策略經濟效果的比較分析(1994/8/1~1995/7/31)
- 現代雙佔巿場之最適區位理論(1993/8/1~1994/7/31)
- 完全競爭與寡佔巿場下共營廠商:長期均衡分析(1992/8/1~1993/7/31)
- 成功大學演講「新經濟地理學的最新發展-兼論東亞區域經濟整合之遠景」(2005/05/05)
- 亞洲大學演講「東亞經濟整合的前景與台灣的挑戰」(2006/12/01)
- 浙江大學演講「空間聚集與經濟競爭力」(2008/04/24)
- 行政院人事行政局地方行政研習中心「中興學術文化講座」演講「台灣中小企業發展的特色與前景」(2008/10/17)
- 淡江大學,參與經濟系主辦之「2010淡江經濟論壇」,
演講「轉型中的中國經濟──「效率」與「公平」之間的矛盾?」(2010/10/06) - 淡江大學,參與財務金融系主辦之「ECFA簽署後兩岸金融新局」論壇,
演講「對『推動兩岸ECFA金融合作』的一些看法」(2010/10/18) - 成功大學商學院演講「東亞區域經濟整合的態勢-兼論ECFA的未來發展」(2010/12/09)
- 高雄大學經營管理研究所及應用經濟學系演講「經濟學學術研究之心路歷程」(2012/11/05)
- 中興大學惠蓀講座演講「區域經濟整合與台灣經濟發展遠景」(2014/12/18)
- 東華大學經濟學系演講「我的求學與研究生涯」(2015/05/01)
- 南京大學商學院演講「區域經濟整合與兩岸區域合作」(2016/05/15)
- 淡江大學覺生紀念圖書館演講「論文撰寫與期刊投稿經驗分享」(2017/05/02)
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- 〈都市公共設施之最適區位理論〉,(與施俊吉合著),中央研究院三民主義研究所《專題選刊》之四十一,1981年2月,頁1-13。
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- 〈雙邊壟斷與廠商區位理論--兼論能源價格上漲對廠商區位之影響〉,(與黃鴻合著),中央研究院經濟研究所《經濟論文》,第十三卷第一期,1985年3月,頁35-46。
- 〈開放經濟下技術進步之價格效果〉,(與黃鴻合著),中國經濟學會年會論文集,1985年11月,頁235-250。
- 〈不同運輸工具與廠址之選擇〉,(與黃鴻合著),國立台灣大學經濟學研究所《經濟論文叢刊》,第十四輯第一期,1986年6月,頁77-91。
- 〈價格或工資僵固性、契約與總體經濟分析〉,(與胡春田、陳博志合著),國立台灣大學經濟學研究所《經濟論文叢刊》,第十五輯第一期,1986年12月,頁219-225。
- 〈成本差異與最適差別關稅:寡佔模型分析〉,(與林燕淑、黃彬、黃鴻合著),中央研究院三民主義研究所第五次社會科學研討會論文集,1987年6月,頁378-391。
- 〈廠商最適區位與生產因素之選擇-價格不確定因素實現前後的兩階段決策分析〉,(與鍾世靜合著),國立台灣大學經濟學研究所《經濟論文叢刊》,第十六輯第一期,1988年3月,頁95-111。
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- 〈可變規模報酬與設立免稅區的經濟效果〉,(與梁文榮合著),中央研究院經濟研究所《經濟論文》,第十七卷第二期,1989年9月,頁101-129。
- 〈寡佔市場之最適進口配額理論:兼論自由化之效果〉,(與黃鴻合著),中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所《人文及社會科學集刊》,第二卷第一期,1989年11月,頁1-12。
- 〈可變規模報酬與取締非法外籍勞工的長短期經濟效果〉,(與梁文榮合著),中央研究院經濟研究所《經濟論文》,第十九卷第一期,1991年3月,頁1-32。
- 〈共營廠商之最適區位與最適產量〉,(與林燕淑、黃鴻合著),中央研究院經濟研究所《經濟論文》,第二十卷第二期下冊,1992年9月,頁505-524。
- 〈要素市場各種空間訂價策略之經濟效果分析〉,(與郭虹瑩、黃鴻合著),國立台灣大學經濟學研究所《經濟論文叢刊》,第二十一輯第一期,1993年3月,頁79-98。
- 〈混合訂價制度之經濟分析〉,(與張雲嵐、黃鴻合著),中央研究院經濟研究所《經濟論文》,第二十二卷第二期,1994年9月,頁107-124。
- 〈寡占競爭與放寬進口配額的經濟效果:一般均衡分析法〉,(與梁文榮合著),中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所《人文及社會科學集刊》,第七卷第一期,1995年3月,頁1-25。
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- 〈購物中心之廠址選擇:不同訂價制度之比較〉,(與林燕淑、黃鴻合著),國立台灣大學經濟研究所《經濟論文叢刊》,第二十九輯第一期,2001年3月,頁21-47。
- 〈套利內生化下的空間定價、最適廠址與社會福利〉,(與林燕淑、黃鴻合著),中央研究院經濟研究所《經濟論文》,第三十卷第二期,2002年6月,頁153-181。
- C. C. Mai, “A Comparative Static Analysis of Intra-Urban Business Location and Land Use”, The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 12, No. 3, Nov. 1978, pp.39-51. (SSCI)
- Y. N. Shieh and C. C. Mai “A Macro Analysis of the Wage-push Effect of Devaluation”, Metroeconomica, Vol. 31(2), No. 2, June 1979, pp. 259-268.
- C. C. Mai, “More on the Principle of Median Location”, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 19, No. 3, Aug. 1979, pp. 397-398. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “A Firm's Bid Price Curve and the Neo-classical Theory of Production”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 46, No. 3, Jan. 1980, pp. 892-897. (SSCI)
- M. L. Greenhut and C. C. Mai, “Towards a General Theory of Public and Private Facility Location”, The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 14, No. 2, July 1980, pp. 1-11. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “The Space Cost Curve and Variable Transport Costs”, Urban Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3, Oct. 1980, pp. 357-359. (SSCI)
- T. W. Tsaur and C. C. Mai, “Tariffs, the Terms of Trade and Domestic Prices in a Monetary Economy: A Note”, Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1981, pp. 181-184.
- C. C. Mai, “Is the Optimum Quantity of Money Compatible with the Unique Price Level under Laissez-Faire?”, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 3, No. 3, Summer 1981, pp. 435-440. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “Optimum Location and the Theory of the Firm under Demand Uncertainty”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 11, No. 4, Nov. 1981, pp. 549-557. (SSCI)
- K. S. Cheng and C. C. Mai, “General Principle of Location between the Median and the Mode-A Further Note”, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 22, No. 2, May 1982, pp. 251-254. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and J. J. Shih “Employment Effect under Monopsony Wage Discrimination”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 49, No. 1, July 1982, pp. 242-245. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and J. J. Shih, “Quality Change and Lancaster's New Approach to Consumer Theory”, Academia Economic papers, Vol. 10, No. 2, Sep. 1982, pp.157-170. (TSSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “A New Approach to the Location Theory of Firm”, Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 11, May 1983, pp.195-210. (TSSCI)
- C. C. Mai and J. W. Chiang, “Transport Costs in International Trade Theory: A Comparison with the Analysis of Nontraded Goods-A Note”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 98, No. 2, May 1983, pp. 349-351. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and Y. N. Shieh, “A Firm's Bid Price Curve and the Neoclassical Theory of Production: A Correction and Further Analysis”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 50, No. 1, July 1983, pp. 230-233. (SSCI)
- S. K. Hsu and C. C. Mai, “Production Location and Random Input Price”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 14, No. 1, Feb. 1984, pp. 45-62. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “Location and the Theory of the Imperfectly Competitive Firm under Demand Uncertainty”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 50, No. 4, April 1984, pp. 1160-1170. (SSCI)
- Y. N. Shieh and C. C. Mai, “Location and the Theory of Production: Clarifications and Extensions”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 14, No. 2, May 1984, pp. 199-218. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “Optimum Firm Location Under Factor-Price Uncertainty”, The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 18, No. 2, July 1984, pp. 52-61. (SSCI)
- Y. N. Shieh and C. C. Mai, “Transport Rates Structure, Optimum Location, and Theory of Production: Reexamination”, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 16, No. 2, Sep. 1984, pp. 225-231. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “Demand Function and Location Theory of the Firm under Price Uncertainty”, Urban Studies, Vol. 21, No. 4, Nov. 1984, pp. 459-464. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and Jung-ji Shih, “Output Effect of the Labour-Managed Firm under Price Discrimination”, The Economic Journal, Vol. 94, No. 376, Dec. 1984, pp. 931-935. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “The Effect of Deposit Rate Ceilings on the Price Level Under Pure Competition in the Production of Money”, Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 13, June 1985, pp.145-151. (TSSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “Optimum Location and Theory of the Firm under a Regulatory Constraint”, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 25, No. 3, Aug. 1985, pp. 453-461. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Welfare-Maximizing Location versus Profit-Maximizing Locations”, The Annals of Regional Science, Vol.20, No.1, March 1986, pp. 54-64. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “Currency Ratio and Income Tax”, Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 14, No. 1, March 1986, pp. 69-76. (TSSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “Random Input Transport Rate and Optimum Location of the Firm”, Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, June 1986, pp. 311-331.
- M. L. Greenhut, C. C. Mai and G. Norman, “Impacts on Optimum Location of Different Pricing Strategies, Market Structures and Customer Distributions over Space”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 16, No. 3, Aug. 1986, pp. 329-351 (SSCI).
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Domestic Export Subsidy and Foreign Welfare”, Economics Letters, Vol. 23, No. 2, Feb. 1987, pp. 185-188. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Business Taxation and Industrial Location”, Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Economiche E Commerciali, Vol. 34, No. 3, March 1987, pp. 241-248.
- C. C. Mai, “Demand Function and Location Theory of the Firm under Price Uncertainty: A Reply”, Urban Studies, Vol. 24, No. 2, April 1987, pp. 162. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Industrial Location and Rising Energy Prices: A Case of Bilateral Monopoly”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 17, No. 2, May 1987, pp. 255-264. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, J. C. Liu and C. C. Mai, “Price, Profit and Market Share Effects of Tariffs, Volume Quotas and Ratio Quotas”, Manchester School, Vol. 55, No. 3, Sep. 1987, pp. 274-286. (SSCI)
- J. J. Shih, C. C. Mai and J. C. Liu “A General Analysis of the Output Effect under Third-Degree Price Discrimination”, Economic Journal, Vol. 98, No. 389, March 1988, pp. 149-158. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “On the Equivalence of Tariffs and Quotas under Duopoly: A Conjectural Variation Approach”, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 24, No. 3/4, May 1988, pp. 373-380. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Advertising and Industrial Location”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 1988, pp. 223-231. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Voluntary Export Restraints and Firm's Profits in the Presence of Product Differentiation”, Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 16, No. 2, Sep. 1988, pp. 39-51. (TSSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Optimal Export Subsidies and Marginal Cost Differentials”, Economics Letters, Vol. 27, No. 3, Oct. 1988, pp. 279-282. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Why Voluntary Export Restraints Are Voluntary: An Extension”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 21, No. 4, Nov. 1988, pp. 877-882. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “On the Output Analysis of a Cooperative Monopoly”, Taiwan Economic Review, Vol, 16, No. 4, Dec. 1988, pp.565-571. (TSSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “On the Optimum Location of Vertically Related Firms with Simultaneous Entry”, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 29, No. 1, Feb. 1989, pp. 47-61. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “Technological Uncertainty and International Market Share Rivalry”, Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Economiche E Commerciali, Vol. 36, No. 3, March 1989, pp. 271-281.
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Tariffs versus Ratio Quotas under Duopoly”, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 27, No. 1/2, Aug. 1989, pp. 177-183. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Export Subsidies and Oligopolistic Rivalry between Labor-Managed and Capitalist Economies”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 13, No. 3, Sep. 1989, pp. 473-480. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Export Tax Discrimination and Cost Advantage under Oligopoly”, Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 17, No. 4, Dec. 1989, pp. 531-541. (TSSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Sequential Entry and Plant Location in Oligopolistic Competition”, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1990, pp. 43-53. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Effects of Spatial Price Discrimination on Output, Welfare and Location”, American Economic Review, Vol. 80, No. 3, June 1990, pp. 567-575. (SSCI)
- Y. N. Shieh, C. C. Mai and L. H. Lee, “Uniform Pricing, Consumer Distribution, and Firm’s Location”, Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 18, No. 3, Sep. 1990, pp. 331-337. (TSSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “A Simple Model of the Choice of Transport Mode and Plant Location”, The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 24, No. 3, Oct. 1990, pp. 197-210. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “On the Production Efficiency of a Location-Regulated Firm”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 23, No. 4, Nov. 1990, pp. 908-922. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Market Structure and the Production Location Decision”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 20, No. 4, Feb. 1991, pp. 509-520. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Optimal Discriminatory Tariffs under Oligopolistic Competition”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 24, No. 3, Aug. 1991, pp. 693-702. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and Y. N. Shieh, “Iso-Outlay Curve and the Relationship Between Firm Size and Optimum Location”, Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, Sep. 1991, pp. 301-316. (TSSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Production-Location Decision and Free Entry Oligopoly”, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 31, No. 2, March 1992, pp. 252-271. Reprinted in M. L. Greenhut and G. Norman , eds., The Economics of Location , Volume I : Location Theory. Aldershot : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (1995). (SSCI)
- S. Suwanakul, C. N. Yeh and C. C. Mai, “Revenue-Neutral Tax Policies under Price Uncertainty: Comment”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 75, No. 3, Aug. 1993, pp.751-753. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “On the Optimum Location of Modern Firms”, in H.Ohta and J. F. Thisse ed., Does Economic Space Matter?, The Macmillan Press Ltd,(1993).
- C. C. Mai, Y. S. Lin and H. Hwang, “Optimal Tariff on Imports from Imperfectly Competitive Labor-Managed Firms” , Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 14, No. 5, Sep.-Oct. 1993, pp. 469-474.
- H. Hwang, H. Ohta and C. C. Mai, “Loschian Competition versus Spatial Collusion: Price and Welfare Comparisons”, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 33. No. 1, Feb. 1993, pp. 13-25. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, “The Long-Run Industry Equilibrium of the Labor-Managed Firm under Price Uncertainty”, Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Economiche E Commerciali, Vol. 40, No. 6-7, June-July 1993, pp. 501-511.
- C. C. Mai, C. N. Yeh and S. Suwanakul “Monopsony and the Production-Location Decision of the Firm”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 23, No. 6, Dec. 1993, pp. 779-790. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, C. N. Yeh and S. Suwanakul “Price Uncertainty and Production-Location Decisions under Free Entry Oligopoly”, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 33, No. 4, Nov. 1993, pp. 531-545. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “On a Location Theory under Duopoly”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 24, No. 6, Dec. 1994, pp. 773-784. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and Y. S. Lin, “On the Factor Demand Theory of Labour-Managed and Profit-Maximizing Firms in Industry Equilibrium: An Application of Le Chatelier Principle”, Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Economiche E Commerciali, Vol 41, No. 6-7, June-July 1994, pp. 519-533.
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Strategic Management under Duopoly”, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 16, No. 3, May-June 1995, pp. 239-247.
- C. C. Mai, “On the Economic Advantages of Spatial Pricing Policies under Alternative Demand Conditions”, Taiwan Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 1, No. 1, Sep. 1995, pp.37-51.
- C. N. Yeh, S. Suwanakul and C. C. Mai, “The Effects of Business Taxes on Output and Location of the Firm under Uncertainty”, Public Finance Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan. 1996, pp. 99-119. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and Y. N. Shieh, “Iso-Outlay curve and Location Decision of The Firm in The Moses-Weber Triangle”, Tunghai Journal, Vol. 37, No. 5, July 1996, pp. 41-57.
- C. N. Yeh, C. C. Mai and Y. N. Shieh,“Location and the Theory of Production under Monopsony”, Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 75, No.4, Oct. 1996, pp.433-440. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “External Economies of Scale and Optimal Plant Location”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1997, pp115-124. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, H. I. Kou and C. C. Mai, “Optimal Tariff Policy and Technology Choice under Foreign Duopoly”, Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Economiche E Commerciali, Vol. 44, No. 2, June 1997, pp.299-312.
- Y. N. Shieh and C. C. Mai, “Demand and Location Decision of a Monopsonistic Firm”, The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 31, No. 3, July 1997, pp.273-284. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Optimal Tariffs with Endogenous Production Location”, Review of International Economies, Vol. 5, No. 3, Aug. 1997, pp324-332.
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and Y. N. Shieh, “Equilibrium Production-Location Decisions under Duopoly”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 28, No. 1, Jan. 1998, pp. 123-133. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Labor Commuting Costs and the Exclusion Theorem”, Proceedings of the NSC Part C:Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1998, pp. 494-498.
- S. L. Tsai. and C. C. Mai, “Earnings Inequality in Taiwan: 1980〜1992”, Proceedings of the NSC Part C:Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 8, No. 4, Oct. 1998, pp.706-718.
- C. C. Mai and H. Hwang, “Technology Choice under Duopoly”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 4, No.1, Feb. 1999, pp.31-42. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Optimal Export Taxes with an Endogenous Location”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 65, No. 4, 1999, pp. 940-952. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and S. K. Peng, “Cooperation vs. Competition in a Spatial Model”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 29, No. 4, July 1999, pp. 463-472. (SSCI)
- S. Suwanakul, C. N. Yeh and C. C. Mai, “The Impact of Revenue-Neutral Tax Policy on Plant Location under Price Uncertainty”, Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 79, No. 1, Jan 2000, pp.91-100. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai and S. K. Peng, “Tariffs and Quotas in a Spatial Duopoly with a Land Market”, The Annals of Regional Science, Vol.34, No.2, 2000, pp. 233-250. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, Y. S. Lin and C. C. Mai, “On the Optimal Production and Location of a Labor-Managed Firm”, The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2001, pp. 217-226. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “The Tariff-Jumping Argument and Location Theory”, Review of International Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2002, pp. 361-368. (EconLit)
- W. J. Liang and C. C. Mai, “Capital Flows, Vertical Multinationals, Wage Inequality and Welfare”, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 7. No.4, Nov 2003, pp599-608. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, Y. S. Lin and C. C. Mai, “Alternative Optimal Trade Policies in the Presence of Foreign Input Monopoly”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 8, No. 3, Oct 2003, pp.193-206. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “The Effects of Pollution Taxes on Urban Areas with an Endogenous Plant Location”, Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 29, 2004, pp.57-65. (SSCI)
- C. C. Lin, C. C. Mai and C. C. Lai “Exclusion Theorem in an Efficiency Wage Model”, Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 38, 2004, pp. 13-24. (SSCI)
- C. C. Lin, C. C. Mai and P. Wang “Urban Land Policy and Housing in an Endogenously Growing Monocentric City”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol.34, 2004, pp. 241-261. (SSCI)
- J. R. Chiou, H. Hwang and C. C. Mai,“Technological Upgrading under Tariffs and Equivalent Quotas”, Review of International Economics, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2006, pp849-858. (EconLit)
- C. H. Chen, C. C. Mai and H. C. Yu, “The Effect of Export Tax Rebates on Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from China”, China Economic Review, Volume 17, 2006 , pp. 226-235. (SSCI)
- W. J. Liang and C. C. Mai, “Validity of the Principle of Minimum Differentiation under vertical Subcontracting”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 36, Mar 2006, pp373-384. (SSCI)
- W. J. Liang, H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Spatial Discrimination: Bertrand vs. Cournot with Asymmetric Demands”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 36, 2006, pp790-802. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and Y. N. Shieh, “Production-Location Decision and Free Entry Oligopoly: A Correction”, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 61, 2007, pp. 576-579. (SSCI)
- C. H. Chen, C. C. Mai and C. T. Shih, “China and East Asia: An Appraisal of Regional Economic Integration”, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 48, 2007, pp. 320-340. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang and C. C. Mai, “Optimal Technology Subsidies vs. Export Subsidies: A Strategic Approach”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol. 14(2), Aug 2007, pp.111-126. (EconLit)
- H. Hwang, Y. S. Lin and C. C. Mai, “Spatial Pricing, Optimal Location and Social Welfare with Consumer Arbitrage”, Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 41, 2007, pp. 619-638. (SSCI)
- C. C. Mai, S. K. Peng and T. Tabuchi, “Economic Geography with Tariff Competition”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 38(5), Sep 2008,pp. 478-486.(SSCI)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and Y. P. Yang, “Optimal Trade Policy under Homogeneous Bertrand Competition”, Review of International Economics, Vol.16(5), Nov 2008, pp. 1005-1009. (SSCI)
- C.H. Chen, C.C. Mai, Y.L. Liu, and S.Y. Mai, “Privatization and Optimal Share Release in the Chinese Banking Industry”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 26(6), November 2009, pp. 1161-1171. (SSCI)
- K. H. Chou, C. H. Chen, and C. C. Mai, “A Geospatial Analysis of China’s Exports, 1991–2008”, Eurasian Geography and Economics, vol. 50(5), Sep-Oct 2009, pp. 532-546. (SSCI)
- B. S. Yang and C. C. Mai, “Löschian Competition under Demand Uncertainty”, Papers in Regional Science, vol. 88, issue 4, Nov 2009, pp. 765-784. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and H. Ohta, “Export Subsidies, Cost Differential and Product Quality”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, Feb 2010, pp. 32-41. (SSCI)
- W. J. Liang, and C. C. Mai, “Optimal Trade Policy with Horizontal Differentiation and Asymmetric Costs”, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 14, No. 2, May 2010, pp. 302-310. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and H. Ohta, “Who Benefits from Pricing Regulations when Economic Space Matters?”, Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 61, No. 2, June 2010, pp. 218-233. (SSCI)
- C. J. Liu, C. C. Mai, F. C. Lai, and W. C. Guo, “Pollution, Factor Ownerships, and Emission Taxes”, Atlantic Economic Journal, Volume 38, Number 2, June 2010, pp. 209-216. (Econlit)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and Y. N. Shieh, “External Economies of Scale and Optimal Plant Location: Correction”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 16, Issue 3, Aug 2011, pp. 389-392. (SSCI)
- K. H. Chou, C. H. Chen and C. C. Mai, “The Impact of Third-country Effects and Economic Integration on China’s Outward FDI”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 28, Issue 5, Sep 2011, pp. 2154-2163. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and Y. P. Yang, “Capacity Constraint, Export Subsidies and World Recession”. In M. C. Kemp, H. Nakagawa and T. Uchida (Eds.), Positive and Normative Analysis in International Economics: Essays in Honour of Hiroshi Ohta, 2011, pp.117-137. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan.
- W. J. Liang and C. C. Mai, “Subcontracting or Exporting with Flexible Manufacturing”. In M. C. Kemp, H. Nakagawa and T. Uchida (Eds.), Positive and Normative Analysis in International Economics: Essays in Honour of Hiroshi Ohta, 2011, pp.138-156. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan.
- Y. C. Liu, W. Yang and C. C. Mai, “The Competitive Position of Shanghai in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Comparative Study”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol. 19, No. 2, August 2012, pp. 198-209. (SSCI)
- W. C. Guo, F. C. Lai, C. J. Liu and C. C. Mai, “Symbiotic Production and Downstream Market Competition”, Atlantic Economic Journal, Volume 40, Issue 3, Sep 2012, pp. 329-340. (EconLit)
- W. J. Liang, C. C. Mai and T. K. Wang, “Symbiotic Production and Optimal Export Policy”, Pacific Economic Review, Volume 17, Issue 4, Oct 2012, pp. 582-600. (SSCI)
- Y. C. Liu, W. Yang, S. Y. Mai and C. C. Mai, “Explaining Bank Efficiency Differences between China and Taiwan by Meta-Frontier Cost Function”, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Volume 15, Issue 04, December 2012, pp. 1250024-1-1250024-25. (Econlit)
- B. S. Yang and C. C. Mai, “The Impact of Uncertain Environmental Regulatory Policy on Optimal Plant Location and Anti-pollution Technology Selection”, The Annals of Regional Science, Volume 50, Issue 3, June 2013, pp. 753-769. (SSCI)
- Y. C. Liu, W. Yang and C. C. Mai, “The Geospatial Analysis of China’s Banks: Empirical Evidence from Agricultural Bank of China during the Period 1992-2008”, International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Volume V, Issue 7, July 2014, pp. 833-848. (Econlit)
- C. H. Chen, C. C. Mai and J. H. Hsu, “An Appraisal of Unified Enterprise Income Tax Policy in China”, Bulletin of Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 1, June 2014, pp.65-75. (Econlit)
- Y. C. Liu, W. Yang and C. C. Mai, “Identifying Determinants of Branch Performances in Agricultural Bank of China: A Spatial Econometric Approach”, The World Economy, Volume 38, Issue 1, January 2015, pp.21-47. (SSCI)
- K. H. Chou, C. H. Chen and C. C. Mai, “Factors Influencing China's Exports with a Spatial Econometric Model”, The International Trade Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 3, Jul-Aug 2015, pp. 191-211. (Econlit)
- W. Yang, Y. C. Liu, S. Y. Mai and C. C. Mai, “Regional Performance of China's Banks: Evidence from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China”, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2015, pp.1550020-1-1550020-25. (Econlit)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and Y. P. Yang, “Specific vs Ad Valorem Strategic Export Subsidies with Taxation Distortion”, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 19, Issue 4, Nov 2015, pp. 820-828. (SSCI)
- C. Y. Wu, W. J. Liang and C. C. Mai, “Public Enterprise Privatization: A General Equilibrium Analysis”, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 20, Issue 2, May 2016, pp. 456-467. (SSCI)
- K. C. A. Wang, Y. J. Wang, W. J. Liang, M. C. Tsai and C. C. Mai, “Patent Licensing under Financial Structure with Limited Liability”, International Review of Economics & Finance, Vol. 46, November 2016, pp. 121-135. (SSCI)
- W. Yang, Y. C. Liu and C. C. Mai, “How did Japanese Exports Evolve from 1995 to 2014? A Spatial Econometric Perspective”, Japan and the World Economy, Vol. 41, March 2017, pp. 50–58. (SSCI)
- K. C. A. Wang, Y. J. Wang, W. J. Liang and C. C. Mai, “Optimal Licensing with Equity”, Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 96, Issue S1, March 2017, pp. S207–S220. (SSCI)
- H. Hwang, C. C. Mai and S. J. Wu, “Tariff Escalation and Vertical Market Structure”, The World Economy, Vol. 40, Issue 8, August 2017, pp. 1597-1613. (SSCI)
- W. Yang, Y. C. Liu and C. C. Mai, “What Explains German Export Performances? Spatial Econometric Evidences: 1995 to 2014”, International Business Research, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 2017, pp. 17-30. (Econlit)
- K. F. Kao and C. C. Mai, “The Chain Effect of an Anti-dumping Policy” Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 85, Issue 2, June 2018, pp. 424-440. (SSCI)
- W. J. Liang, C. C. Mai, J. F. Thisse and P. Wang, “On the Economics of Science Parks” No. w25595. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019.
- C. Y. Wu, C. H. Chen, C. H. Lin and C. C. Mai, “The Analysis of Banking Efficiency in China: A Spatial Panel Data Approach” Journal of Quantitative Finance and Economics, Vol.1, Issue 2, Oct. 2019, pp. 85-109.
- C. Y. Wu, C. H. Chen, C. H. Lin and C. C. Mai, “Spatial Effects of Uneven Regional Development on the Efficiency of the Banking Industry in China”, Journal of Quantitative Finance and Economics, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Oct. 2020, pp. 75-100.
(B) 研討會論文與學術活動
- 於淡江大學商管大樓參加由淡江大學產業經濟學系舉辦「產經合經一家親-系上同學會暨系友會員大會」,並擔任系所友會顧問(2017/1/7)。
- 於中央研究院參加由人文社會科學研究中心舉辦「中國經濟發展模式IX學術研討會」,擔任第一場次主持人(2016/12/3)。
- 於淡江大學台北校區參加由淡江大學產業經濟學系舉辦「2016總體理論與計量模型學術研討會」(2016/5/27)。
- 於中央研究院參加由人文社會科學研究中心舉辦「中國經濟發展模式VIII學術研討會」,擔任第三場次主持人(2015/12/3~2015/12/4)。
- 於中央研究院參加由人文社會科學研究中心舉辦「中國經濟發展模式VII學術研討會」,擔任第二場次主持人(2014/12/11)。
- 於淡江大學參加由台灣經濟學會、淡江大學產業經濟學系、臺大經濟系、中央研究院經濟研究所、國科會人文社會科學研究中心聯合主辦,中央大學經濟系協辦「台灣經濟學會2013年年會」,擔任場次2B產業組織理論II-IPRs主持人,並在場次1D國際經濟III宣讀「開放經濟下的觀光解除管制與短期均衡」一篇論文(2013/12/14)
- 於中央研究院參加由人文社會科學研究中心舉辦「中國經濟發展模式VI學術研討會」,宣讀「Regional Performance of China’s Banks: Evidence from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China」一篇論文(2013/12/5~2013/12/6)。
- 於花蓮東華大學參加由Applied Regional Science Conference、Chinese Regional Science Association–Taiwan、Department of Economics, National Dong Hwa University、Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica、Korean Regional Science Association、Regional Science Association of China聯合主辦「The Third Asian Seminar in Regional Science」,擔任Keynote Speech II 之keynote speaker,宣讀「The Development of International Trade Theory from the Perspective of Spatial Economics」一篇論文(2013/8/7~2013/8/8)。
- 於台灣金融研訓院菁業堂參加由財團法人亞太金融研究發展基金會主辦之「2013金融與經濟政策研討會-目前台灣財經政策之重要議題」研討會,擔任「實務座談(2)台灣產業轉型之方向與未來」場次與談人,宣讀「產業結構調整的問題」(2013/6/1)。
- 於淡江大學台北校園參加由淡江大學產業經濟學系舉辦「淡江產業論壇-兩岸金銀三會後對我國金融產業之影響」,並擔任場次與談人(2013/5/2)。
- 於淡江大學參加由淡江大學產業經濟系主辦「2012 International Conference on Trade, Industrial and Regional Economics」研討會,擔任Session A1主持人,並宣讀「Public Enterprise Privatization: A General Equilibrium Analysis」一篇論文(2012/3/15~2012/3/16)。
- 於中央研究院參加由人文社會科學研究中心舉辦「中國經濟發展模式V學術研討會」,擔任第二場次主持人,並宣讀「The Influence of Political Risk, Economic Integration and Spatial Effects on China’s Exports」一篇論文(2011/11/17~2011/11/18)。
- 於美國亞特蘭大參加由美國東南區中華學人協會主辦「ECFA簽訂後兩岸經貿關係」研討會,擔任keynote speaker,宣讀「東亞區域整合與台灣經濟發展遠景」一篇。並於7月31日最後一場座談會「ECFA簽訂後發展台商全球營運總部的機會與挑戰」中擔任評論員,並回答與會人員所提出的問題(2011/7/29~2011/7/31)。
- 於台北圓山大飯店參加由國立交通大學財務金融研究所、台灣證券交易所、中華民國證券商業同業公會、富邦金控、勝華科技股份有限公司、仁寶電腦股份有限公司、開南大學、國立台灣大學管理學院、美國羅格斯大學以及財團法人亞太金融研究發展基金會聯合主辦之「The 19th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management(PBFEAM)」研討會,擔任Academic Session III. Financial Market and Institution 之Chairperson 並宣讀論文「An Empirical Ranking for Banks in China and Taiwan by the Meta-Cost Efficiency」一篇與 Panel Session XIX. ECFA對兩岸關係的影響之Panelist,並宣讀「ECFA對兩岸經濟關係的影響」一篇(2011/7/8~2011/7/9)。
- 於中央研究院參加由人文社會科學研究中心舉辦「中國經濟發展模式IV學術研討會」,並宣讀「The Impact of Spatial Effects on China’s Outward FDI: A Spatial Econometric Perspective」一篇論文(2010/10/21~2010/10/22)。
- 於中國北京參加由中國科學院虛擬經濟與資料科學研究中心,中國科學院研究生院管理學院,中國科學院科技政策與管理科學研究所,Rutgers University以及亞太金融研究基金會共同主辦之「The 18th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management (PBFEAM)」研討會,擔任Panel Session V. Asia Economic Forum之panelist,並宣讀論文 「The Competitive Position of Shanghai in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Comparative Study」一篇(2010/7/24~2010/7/25)。
- 於台灣金融研訓院參加由財團法人亞太金融研究發展基金會主辦之「兩岸簽訂ECFA對台灣經濟發展之影響」研討會,並擔任「實務座談 (4) ECFA對臺灣經濟發展之影響」場次與談人(2010/6/5)。
- 於日本東京參加由青山學院大學國際經濟學科主辦之「International Workshop on Positive and Normative Analysis on International Economics」研討會,並宣讀「The Competitive Position of Shanghai in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Comparative Study」一篇論文(2010/3/12)。
- 於淡江大學參加由淡江大學商學院、財金系(所)、兩岸金融研究中心舉辦「第七屆金融市場與趨勢研討會」,並擔任「兩岸金融合作與發展新局」場次與談人(2010/3/5)。
- 於中央研究院參加由中央研究院經濟所、中央研究院人社中心、台灣大學經濟系、中山大學經濟所、國科會人文處、台灣經濟學會共同舉辦「紀念陳昭南院士學術研討會」,並擔任「Real Effects of Money Growth and Optimal Rate of Inflation in a Cash-in-Advance Economy with Labor-Market Frictions」「Money in Utility and the Exchange-Rate Disconnect Puzzle」場次主持人(2009/11/14)。
- 於台北大學參加由台北大學亞洲研究中心與台北農產運銷股份有限公司共同舉辦「農產品運銷與批發市場經營管理研討會」,並擔任「理論與實務」場次主持人(2009/9/14~2009/9/15)。
- 於中華經濟研究院參加由中華經濟研究院主辦之「謝森中先生紀念學術研討會--金融海嘯對東亞經濟的影響及各國因應措施」,並擔任「An Asian Currency Unit without Monetary Union -- A Practical Unit of Measurement for Trade and Finance」「Why Do Government-Owned Banks NOT Perform Worse -- A Political View」主持人(2009/7/9~2009/7/10)。
- 於中央研究院參加由人文社會科學研究中心舉辦「中國經濟發展模式III學術研討會」,並擔任主持人並宣讀「China's Integration in World Trade: a Spatial Econometric Study」一篇論文(2009/6/25~2009/6/26)。
- 於淡江大學參加由淡江大學產業經濟系主辦「2009 International Conference on Trade, Industrial and Regional Economics」研討會,並擔任主持人,並宣讀「The Effects of Uncertainties over R&D Policy and Market Demand on R&D Levels with Spillovers」、「An Economic Theory of Marshallian Industrial Districts」兩篇論文(2009/3/13~2009/3/14)。
- 於台北國際會議中心參加由台北大學亞洲研究中心與經濟部國貿局共同舉辦「兩岸經貿合作與交流研討會」,並擔任「兩岸經貿合作架構之內容」主持人(2009/1/15)。
- 於中央研究院參加由中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心「制度與行為研究專題中心」舉辦「制度與行為研究專題中心計畫成果發表會」,並擔任「選舉市場開放與台灣政經結構變遷的多層次資料庫建置」主持人(2008/12/3)。
- 於淡江大學參加由淡江大學產業與金融中心、兩岸金融研訓院共同舉辦「開創台灣金融新局論壇」,並擔任「議題一:金融業西進的突破與商機」與談人(2008/11/20)。
- 於台北國際會議中心參加由台北大學亞洲研究中心與經濟部國貿局共同舉辦「推動區域經濟整合加速台灣與全球接軌國際研討會」,並擔任「推動兩岸共同市場對台商全球佈局之意涵」主持人(2008/7/10)。
- 於台灣金融研訓院參加由財團法人亞太金融研究發展基金會舉辦「台灣金融與經濟情勢研討會」,並參加實務座談「在政經新局中看兩岸財金的展望與挑戰」(2008/5/30)。
- 於中央研究院參加由人文社會科學研究中心舉辦「中國經濟發展模式II學術研討會」,並擔任主持人並宣讀「中國銀行業民營化與最適釋股比率」一篇論文(2008/5/29~2008/5/30)。
- 於香港參加由香港城市大學舉辦「 Taipei-Tokyo-Hong Kong 3-Party Trade Conference」研討會,並擔任主持人並宣讀「Specific vs. Ad Valorem Strategic Export Subsidies with Taxation Distortion」、「Subcontracting Or Exporting with Flexible Manufacturing」二篇論文(2008/5/19)。
- 於香港參加由香港城市大學舉辦「Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics (APJAE) Symposium on Public Economics」研討會,擔任主持人並宣讀「Symbiotic Production and Optimal Export Policy」一篇論文(2008/5/16~2008/5/17)。
- 於淡江大學校本部參加由淡江大學財務金融系舉辦「2008海峽兩岸財金趨勢研討會(第五屆財務金融及財金未來學術暨實務研討會)」,擔任「公司財務 (Corporation Finance)」主持人並宣讀「Bank Privatization and Optimal Share Release in the Chinese Transitional Economy: Theory and Evidence」一篇論文(2008/1/4)。
- 於台北國際會議中心參加由台北大學亞洲研究中心舉辦「東亞經濟整合對台商永續經營之機會與挑戰研討會」,擔任「台商在東亞/南亞之機會與挑戰」主持人(2007/12/17)。
- 於台北大學參加由台北大學台灣發展研究中心舉辦「2007區域與都市經濟國際研討會」,擔任主持人並宣讀「A general analysis of spatial Cournot competition in a linear city model」一篇論文(2007/12/3)。
- 於中華經濟研究院參加由台北金融研究發展基金會與中華經濟研究院舉辦「第十三屆兩岸金融學術研討會」,並擔任「台灣外匯存底累積的原因與對策」主持人(2007/10/16)。
- 於中華經濟研究院參加由中華經濟研究院與中國社會科學院舉辦「兩岸經濟發展與轉型研討會」,並擔任「全球化與經濟發展」場次擔任評論人與「環保、區城與所得」場次主持人(2007/8/27)。
- 於中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心第一會議室參加由中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心東亞經貿發展研究計畫舉辦「中國經濟發展模式之研究學術研討會」,擔任主持人並宣讀「中國大陸取消外資企業所得稅優惠措施之經濟效果」一篇論文(2007/6/28~2007/6/29)。
- 於淡江大學城中校區參加由淡江大學產業經濟系舉辦「產業、貿易與區域經濟學術研討會」,擔任主持人並宣讀「需求不確定與工資差異下之產業外移」一篇論文(2007/5/5)。
- 於日本東京Aoyama Gakuin University參加International Workshop on International Trade and Economic Integration研討會,發表「Capacity Constraint and Optimal Export Subsidy Policy under Cournot Competition」及「Cournot Competition and Spatial Agglomeration in a Linear Location Model: A Generalization」二篇論文(2007/3/9)。
- 赴美國芝加哥參加2007年ASSA Annual Meeting and CEANA年會,擔任研討會Session 2:「Trade Theories and Exchange Rate Volatility」主持人,並宣讀「Tariff Escalation: A Theoretical Foundation」一篇論文(2007/2/6)。
- 於中華經濟研究院參加中華經濟研究院與中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心、中國社會科學院舉辦「兩岸經濟發展趨勢及問題」研討會,擔任「兩岸農業及就業問題」主持人(2006/6/20)。
- 於台北淡江大學參加International Conference on Trade and Industrial Economics,發表「Optimal Technology Subsidies vs. Export Subsidies:A Strategic Approach」一篇論文(2006/3/24)。
- 於台北淡江大學參加International Conference on Trade and Industrial Economics,發表論文「Optimal Export Policy under Bertrand Competition with Horizontal Differentiation and Asymmetric Costs」(2006/3/24)。
- 前往美國Boston參加2006年ASSA Annual Meeting and CEANA年會,發表「An Appraisal of Regional Economic Integration in East Asia」一篇論文(2006/1/7~2006/1/9)。
- 於中央研究院人社中心研討會,發表論文:「Does Cournot Competition Yield Spatial Agglomeration in a Linear City Model」(2005/5/18)。
- 於中華經濟研究院參加「謝森中先生學術研討會」,擔任議題「農業金融」主持人(2005/4/24)。
- 於美國Philadelphia參加2005年ASSA Annual Meeting and CEANA( Chinese Economic Association in North America)年會,發表「The Effect of Export Tax Rebates on Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from China」一篇論文(2005/1/7~2005/1/9)。
- 於東京Aoyama Gaknin University參加Aλπηα and Ομεγα Topics in International Trade and Finance 發表「Strategic Trade Policy with Endogenous Choice of Price vs. Quantity Competition」一篇論文(2004/3/15)。
- 於中華經濟研究院參加「蔣碩傑逝世十週年紀念學術研討會發表「Strategic Trade Policy with Endogenous Choice of Price vs. Quantity Competition」一篇論文(2004/6/12~2004/6/13)。
- 於中央研究院人社中心研討會,發表論文:「Spatial Discrimination: Bertrand vs. Cournot with Asymmetric Demand Structure」(2004/05/12)。
- 〈兩岸科技發展合作策略之探討〉,(與承立平合著),「二00一年兩岸科技政策論壇」,李國鼎科技發展基金會與中華圖書資訊館際合作協會主辦,台北,頁5E 01-15。
(C) 專書及專書論文
- 《貨幣銀行學》,(與葉秋南合著),五南圖書出版公司,1998年6月。
- 〈產業結構變遷與產業發展策略〉,(與王健全合著),收錄於:「一九八○年代以來台灣經濟發展經驗」,施建生主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1999年6月,頁273-307。
- 〈亞洲金融風暴:台灣的經濟與前景〉,(與張佩珍合著),收錄於:「華南經濟的現狀和邁向二十一世紀的課題」,香港西迪商務出版公司出版,1999年9月,頁197-221。
- 〈東亞區域經濟整合的前景〉,(與杜巧霞、連文榮合著),收錄於「區域合作的理想途徑及華南經濟在東亞的角色」,馬洪、鹽谷隆英主編,香港科文出版公司出版,2001年3月,23-41。
- “Industrial Development Strategy and Structural Transformation”, (with Jiann-Chyuan Wang), in Taiwan’s Economic Success Since 1980, edited by Chao-Cheng Mai and Chien-Sheng Shih, publisher: Edward Elgar, 2001, pp. 211-247.
- 〈全球化趨勢與台灣產業發展的前景〉,收錄於:「兩岸入世後東亞經濟的發展趨勢」,馬洪、鹽谷隆英,香港科文出版公司出版,2002年1月,頁169-187。
- 〈解析亞洲金融風暴〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,1998年1月6日。
〈アジア通貨危機-台湾の経驗〉,麥朝成主編,臼井紀幸譯,創成社出版,2008年5月。 - 《1998全球經濟展望》,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1998年1月。
- 〈兩岸如何共同促進東南亞金融穩定及區域經濟發展〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1998年4月。
- 〈WTO效應對兩岸經貿發展的影響〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1998年6月。
- 〈如何以國際企業聯盟開拓大陸市場〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1998年8月。
- 〈解析國內經濟景氣〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,1998年9月,中華經濟研究院出版。
- 〈國民年金應該在公元2000年前開辦嗎〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1998年10月。
- 〈大陸經濟發展對兩岸經貿及臺商的可能影響〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1998年10月。
- 〈企業財務與金融亂象問題〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1998年12月。
- 〈歐元問世對歐盟、國際與海峽兩岸之影響〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1998年12月。
- 《1999全球經濟展望》,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1999年1月。
- 〈對當前臺灣經濟問題的剖析與建議〉,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1999年4月。
- 〈中共與美國WTO協議之政經意涵〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,1999年11月。
- 《2000全球經濟展望》,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年1月。
- 〈人民幣匯率穩定對兩岸經濟之影響〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年2月。
- 〈未來新政局金融改革方向之思考〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年4月。
- 〈中國大陸農村基層民主化的社經影響〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年6月。
- 〈PNTR與美『中』台三角關係〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年6月。
- 〈新總統上任後兩岸經貿關係政策思維〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年6月。
- 〈大陸國企改革牽動兩岸政經情勢〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年6月。
- 〈大陸北戴河會議後的兩岸經貿新情勢〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年9月。
- 〈政府勿淪為股市人質〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年9月。
- 〈加入WTO對兩岸農業的衝擊〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2000年9月。
- 《2001全球經濟展望:前瞻新世紀、新局面下的臺灣》,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2001年1月。
- 《邢慕寰院士的經濟理念、政策與學述貢獻──一週年逝世紀念》,麥朝成、吳惠林主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2001年1月。
- 〈美國九一一襲擊事件對美日中台四角關係之影響〉座談會實錄,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2001年10月。
- 《2002全球經濟展望:從不景氣中再現繁榮》,麥朝成主編,中華經濟研究院出版,2002年1月。
- 《中國大陸經濟》,麥朝成、伍忠賢著,五南圖書出版公司,2013年9月。
- 《貨幣銀行學:最新金融科技與理論》,葉秋南、 麥朝成、伍忠賢著,五南圖書出版公司,2017年9月。
- 〈獨佔競爭、非貿易財與區域間租稅競爭〉,(與梁文榮合著), Mimeo.
- “Alternative Optimal Trade Policies in the Presence of Foreign Input Monopoly”,(with Hong Hwang and Yen- Shu Lin), Mimeo.
- “Consistent Conjectures in the Theory of Oligopoly under Uncertainty”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Consistent Conjecture and the Equivalence of Tariffs and Quotas”, (with Shin-Hwang Chiang and Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Consumer Revervation Price and Alternative Spatial Pricing Strategies”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Duty Free Zones, Imperfect Competition, and Horizontal Linkage”, (with Wen-jung Liang), Mimeo.
- “Export Subsidies and Cost Advantages under Product Differentiation”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Effective Subsidization and Optimum Location”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Firm's Bid Price Curve under Oligopoly”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Intra-industry Trade and Spatial Competition”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Industrial Location for a Profit-Constrained Sales-Revenue Maximizer”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Location Economies and Industrial Location”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Non-member Investment and Economic Integration in a Specific Facter Model”, (with Yu-ter Wang and Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Optimum Import Quota versus Optimum Voluntary Export Quota under Oligopolistic Competition”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Optimal Export Subsidies and Bilateral Monopoly”, (with Hong Hwang and Horn-Cheng Lin), Mimeo.
- “Optimal Import Quotas under Oligopolistic Competition”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Trade Liberalization and Industry Concentration: Some Notes”, (with Shin-Kun Peng and Jacques-Francois Thisse), Mimeo.
- “The Economic Effects of Alternative Spatial Pricing Policies in an Open Economy”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “The Effectiveness of VERs with Free Suppliers”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “VER、FDI and Welfare In Imperfectly Competitive Market”, (with Hong Hwang and Yan-shu Lin), Mimeo. (in Chinese), Mimeo.
- “Voluntary Export Restraints with Excluded Countries under Oligopoly”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.
- “Wasteful Imports under Alternative Spatial Pricing Policies”, (with Hong Hwang), Mimeo.